Two sets of experiments were conducted to examine the effects of two sensory modalities, temperature and taste, of foods on perceptual and motor aspects of swallowing in 20 young, healthy subjects (10 subjects for each experiment). A tasteless and odorless thickening agent was the basic testing material. The first experiment compared the swallowing of foods at four temperatures ranging from 5 degrees C to 50 degrees C. Food at 50 degrees C was more acceptable for swallowing than at 5 degrees C, 20 degrees C, or 35 degrees C. The suprahyoid muscles were less active during swallowing food at 50 degrees C compared with swallowing food at the other three temperatures. The second experiment compared foods with the five basic taste qualities (sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and umami) with a tasteless food (dissolved in distilled water) to examine the influence of gustatory sensation. The sweet and tasteless foods were somewhat more acceptable for swallowing than the sour and bitter foods. However, none of the foods differentially altered the motor parameters of swallowing. Interactive influences of temperature and gustatory sensations of foods on swallowing are discussed.