Our experimental and theoretical study of the non-crystalline and crystalline components of the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in (Ga,Mn)As is aimed at exploring basic physical aspects of this relativistic transport effect. The non-crystalline AMR reflects anisotropic lifetimes of the holes due to polarized Mn impurities while the crystalline AMR is associated with valence band warping. We find that the sign of the non-crystalline AMR is determined by the form of spin-orbit coupling in the host band and by the relative strengths of the non-magnetic and magnetic contributions to the impurity potential. We develop experimental methods directly yielding the non-crystalline and crystalline AMR components which are then independently analyzed. We report the observation of an AMR dominated by a large uniaxial crystalline component and show that AMR can be modified by local strain relaxation. We discuss generic implications of our experimental and theoretical findings including predictions for non-crystalline AMR sign reversals in dilute moment systems. Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) is a response of carriers in magnetic materials to changes of the magnetization orientation. Despite its importance in magnetic recording technologies the understanding of the microscopic physics of this spin-orbit (SO) coupling induced effect is relatively poor. Phenomenologically, AMR has a non-crystalline component, arising from the lower symmetry for a specific current direction, and crystalline components arising from the crystal symmetries [1,2]. In ferromagnetic metals, values for these coefficients can be obtained by numerical ab initio transport calculations [3], but these have no clear connection to the standard physical model of transport arising from spin dependent scattering of current carrying low mass s-states into heavymass d-states [4]. Experimentally, the non-crystalline and, the typically much weaker, crystalline AMR components in metals have been indirectly extracted from fitting the total AMR angular dependences [2].Among the remarkable AMR features of (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductors are the opposite sign of the non-crystalline component (compared to most metal ferromagnets) and the crystalline terms reflecting the rich magnetocrystalline anisotropies [5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. Microscopic numerical simulations [6,12] consistently describe the sign and magnitudes of the non-crystalline AMR and capture the more subtle crystalline terms associated with e.g. growth-induced strain [8,12]. As in metals, however, the basic microscopic physics of the AMR still needs to be elucidated which is the aim of the work presented here.Theoretically, we separate the non-crystalline and crystalline components by turning off and on band warping and match numerical microscopic simulations with model analytical results. This provides the physical interpretation of the origin of AMR, and of the sign of the noncrystalline term in particular. Experimentally, we obtain direct and independent access to the non-crystalline and crystalli...