Abstract. Ambient temperature is the main challenge for improving the accuracy of spectral radiometry measurement in the field. In this paper, we present the considerable effect of temperature on the performance of a commercial CCD array spectrometer. Moreover, a temperature correction method for the CCD array spectrometer was developed, which calculated the spectrometer response at each pixel. The temperature correction method is very effective in correcting the spectral response. The deviation between measured and calculated spectrometer responses at the same temperature is less than 1% over the temperature range from 5˚C to 40 ˚C.
IntroductionCCD array based spectrometers are widely used in spectral radiance measurements, since they have the key advantage of providing real-time results, compared to traditional mechanical scanning spectrometers. In addition, their small size and light weight nature improves the portability of the instrument. As a result, CCD based array spectrometer is increasingly applied in earth observation [1], remote sensing [2], analytical chemistry [3], photobiological safety [4], and other industries. High accurate calibration and measurement of spectral radiometric are essential for CCD based array spectrometers. With the urgent demand of earth observation and remote sensing, the calibration uncertainties (k=2) of spectral radiometric is required to be less than 2%.Currently, the laboratory calibrations at National Institute of Metrology P. R. China (NIM) are generally performed at room temperature (25 ±1.0 °C). However, the spectrometers applied in earth observation and remote sensing is usually operated in the field under different ambient temperature conditions. The calibration coefficients determined under room temperature conditions are not applicable to data collected in field situations. This issue has aroused widespread international attention. Starks [5] conducted to characterize temperature sensitivity of a typical silicon-detectorbased spectroradiometer, demonstrated the potential errors due to temperature effects, and present a methodology to correct for temperature-induced errors. Salim et al. [6] at National Physical Laboratory (NPL) have studied the nontemperature-stablized effect of a photodiode array spectrometer, and obtained good corrected results with low uncertainty of measurements. Widenhorn [7] investigated the activation energy for the dark current of a back-illuminated CCD changes over the temperature range of 222 to 291 K. Kuusk [8] presented the temperature dependence in the dark output of a spectrometer module at several integration times over a range of ambient temperatures, and developed a hybrid model to represent dark output. Wang [9] indicated that changes in temperature affect the magnitude of both the dark and offset voltages, and the additional signal voltage which is