Diploid males are known to occur in several braconid and ichneumonid species. These diploid males are the result of a single-locus, sex-determination mechanism. Heterozygotes at this sex locus develop into females, whereas homozvgotes (haploids) and homozygotes (diploids) develop into males. Diploid males have a low fertility and their frequency drastically increases with small populations or inbreeding. The implications of this sex-determining mechanism for the use of parasitoids in biological control are explored. Production of diploid males leads to male-biased sex ratios and can reduce rates of establishment and population growth. Taxa in which a single-locus sex determination has been found (e.g., Ichneumonidae and Braconidae) often experience extreme male-biased sex ratios in mass rearing and have been more difficult to establish than taxa with other modes of sex determination (e.g., Chalcidoids). The effect of laboratory rearing on the number of sex alleles, frequency of diploid males, and population growth rates is explored by computer simulation. Methods of rearing and release that can enhance the number of sex alleles and the establishment of parasitoids are discussed. Furthermore, additional small-scale releases may enhance the effectiveness of already established populations by increasing number of sex alleles and the rate at which their population grows. KEY WORDS Insecta, diploid male, biological control, rearing NATURAL ENEMIES USED for biological control often go through genetic bottlenecks during collection, rearing, and subsequent establishment in the field. Such bottlenecks reduce genetic variability, which is thought to impede a population's ability to adapt to new environments and, therefore, its potential for the biological control (Unruh et al. 1983). In Hymenoptera, reduced genetic variability causes an additional problem: the production of diploid males from fertilized eggs. The occurrence of diploid males is a consequence of the sex-determining mechanisms in certain Hymenoptera-i.e., a singlelocus, sex-determination mechanism first described by A. R. and P. W. Whiting and their students (reviewed in Whiting 1961). The Whitings studied sex determination in Habrobracon hebetor Say and found that haploid individuals were always males, whereas diploid individuals were generally females. However, under inbreeding conditions some diploid individuals were males. Diploid males, once known only from H. hebetor and some bees, have recently