We demonstrate low ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) linewidths and high remanence magnetization in polycrystalline M-type Sc-doped Ba ferrites having anisotropy fields of B8 kOe and perpendicular orientation of the spontaneous magnetization vector. This is a result of applying a unique processing technique that makes use of a polymer network-assisted alignment of hexaferrite particles in high magnetic fields. The resulting compacts exhibit high squareness (M r /M s B92%) and low FMR linewidths (B530 Oe) at X-band and Ka-band. This represents an B74% decrease in linewidth compared with previous reports for polycrystalline BaM ferrites using conventional processes. We also have detailed origins of the FMR linewidth broadenings in terms of some important theoretical models. These materials have potential for use in low frequency self-biased microwave/ millimeter devices such as circulators and isolators.