The modified strong dipole-proton coupling (MSDPC) model, whieh predir several static and dynamie dielectric properties of KDP-type ferroeleetrics, is used to investigate the properties of the paramagnetic center SeO~-introduced in the KH2PO 4 (KDP) and KDzPO 4 (DKDP) lattice asa local probe in ah electron paramagnetic resonance expedment. Paramagnetic eenter is treated within the MSDPC modelas a soft impurity, with ah Ap~o~ value of the elastic constant for the dipole ceomponent induction lower than the A value for the original PO43-group. For Ap,~b , = 0.45A, the molecular dynamies simulations in the paraeleetrie phase of KDP and DKDP show the effective local double-well potential of the probe, and the temperature dependence of the ealculated eorrelation time r for the dipole reorientationa[ jumps over the barrier can be fitted by the Arrhenius law. The obtained Arrhenius parameters for KDP are close to the experimental ones, and the expe¡ deteeted higher activation energy in DKDP is reprodueed. Also, the high-temperature line broadening and the temperature dependence of the 77Se hyperfine coupling observed in experiment ate discussed within the MSDPC model.