Extensive LAPW frozen phonon calculations were performed in order to understand the origin of ferroelectricity in LiTaO 3 and LiNbO 3 . Displacement of the Li atoms alone results in an anharmonic single well, whereas displacements of oxygen and lithium together result in deep double wells, much deeper than the transition temperatures, T C . This is contrary to current theories which model the underlying potential as a triple well potential for the lithium atoms. Our results support an order-disorder model for the oxygen atoms as the driving mechanism for the ferroelectric instability. Oxygen displacements alone against the transition metal atoms result in shallower double wells as a result of oxygen-lithium overlap so that the lithium and oxygen displacements are strongly coupled . We find large hybridization between the oxygens and the transition metal atoms. Thus ferroelectricity in the Li(Nb,Ta)O 3 system is similar in origin to ferroelectricity in the perovskites. We also find that the electronic structures of LiTaO 3 and LiNbO 3 are very similar and hardly 1 change during the phase transition.