The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of the processing aspects of out-ofautoclave (OOA) prepregs. This chapter serves as a design guideline for the definition of tooling, bagging configuration and processing conditions for making parts with OOA prepregs. The first section presents an overview of the OOA materials, including their application, resins and fibres. OOA prepreg impregnation techniques are then discussed and typical properties of OOA composites are summarized. The second section covers OOA prepreg characterization methods, techniques to measure resin impregnation, thermochemistry, out-time, permeability, and bulk factor are presented. The third section describes the infrastructure used to cure OOA prepregs, such as ovens, heating systems, tooling and process diagnostic tools. The fourth section provides basic processing guidelines, covering bagging configuration, debulking methods and cure cycles to make simple monolithic OOA laminates, while sections five and six provide processing guidelines for sandwich panels and complex shape laminates. The cost analysis of the manufacturing process with OOA prepregs is reviewed in section seven. Finally, section eight discusses future developments for OOA prepreg materials and processes.