We report high field (up to 13 Tesla) magneto transport [ρ(T)H] of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (YBCO):Ag x (x= 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2) composites. The transport properties are significantly improved by Ag doping on the insulating grain boundaries of YBCO. Pure and Ag diffused YBCO superconducting samples are synthesised through solid state reaction route. Both pure and Ag doped YBCO are superconducting at below 90K. Though, the T c (ρ=0) of YBCO:Ag samples under applied field of 13 Tesla is around 65K, the same is 45K for pure YBCO under same applied field. The upper critical field [H c2 (0)], being estimated from ρ(T)H is around 70Tesla for pristine sample, and is above 190Tesla for Ag doped samples. The boarding of the resistive transition under applied magnetic field is comparatively less and nearly single step for Ag doped samples, while the same is clearly two step and relatively much larger for the pristine YBCO. The resistive broadening is explained on the basis of changed inter-granular coupling and thermally activated flux flow (TAFF). The TAFF activation energy (U 0 ) is found to be linear with applied magnetic field for all the samples, but with nearly an order of magnitude less value for the Ag doped samples. Summarily, it is shown that inclusion of Ag significantly improves the superconducting performance of YBCO:Ag composites, in particular under applied field. PACS Nos. 74.72. Gh, 74.25.fc, 74.25.Ha