Using angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ARXPS), we investigate the topmost nanometers of various binary ionic liquid (IL) mixtures at differentt emperatures in the liquid state. The mixtures consist of ILs with the same [PF 6 ] À anion but two different cations, namely 3methyl-1- (3,3,4,4,4-pentafluorobutyl)imidazoliumh exafluorophosphate, [PFBMIm][PF 6 ], and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, [C 4 C 1 Im][PF 6 ], with 10, 25, 50 and 75 mol %c ontento f[ PFBMIm][PF 6 ]. We observe ap referential enrichmento ft he fluorinated chain in the topmostl ayer, relative to the bulk composition, which is mostp ronounced for the lowest content of [PFBMIm][PF 6 ]. Upon cooling the mixtures stepwise from 95 8Cu ntil surfacec harging effects in XPS indicate solidification,w eo bserve ap ronouncedi ncreasei ns urfacee nrichmento ft he fluorinated chain with decreasing temperature in the liquid state. In contrast to the mixtures with lower[ PFBMIm] [PF 6 ]c ontents, cooling the 75 mol %m ixture additionallys hows an abrupt decrease of the fluorinated chain signal before complete solidification occurs, whichisa ssigned to partial precipitation effects.[a] B.