Submillimeter monochromatic BWT spectroscopy (3 to 33 cm-I) and far infrared reflection spectroscopy (40 to 600 cm-l) are used to investigate the low-frequency dynamics of the classical ferroelectric NaNO, of the order-disorder type in the temperature interval 20 to 210 "C in the ferro-and paraelectric phase. I n the submillimeter dielectric spectra e*(v, T) of the NaNO, crystal, together with the previously observed radiofrequency mode and the optical phonon 180 cm-1, low-frequency anharmonic excitation subsidiary to the soft mode is recorded a t the intermediate frequency 33 cm-1. Analysing the temperature behaviour of the parameters of this apparently relaxation excitation it is possible to assume that it is directly associated with the process of ferroactive crystal subsystem disordering a t the ferroelectric phase transition.
MeTOnaMElCy6MElJIjI&iMeTpOBOf MOHOXpOMaTM ¶eCKOm floB-cneKTpocKonmi (3 a0 33 Cm-l) M n&llbHef I?K CIIeKTpOCKOIIElEl (40 a0 600 Cm-' ) H3yqeHa HEl3K09aCTOTHaH HEl HaMMKa paTyp 20 no 210 "c. B Cy6MElJIJIElMeTpOBbIX CneHTpax &*(V, T) KpHCTajIma, Hapflny C Ha6~110naBIJlliMHCfl paHee panElO4aCTOTHOf PejIaKCaUHOHHOf MOnOfi El OnTElrIeCKHM @OHOHOM 9aCTOTbI 180 CII1-l, 3aperElCTpIlpOBaHO aOlIOJIHkiTeJIbHOe K M H r K O n MOD@ HI13KO-gaCTOTHOe aHrapMOHHgeCHOe BO36ylrcneHHe nPOMeHEYTO9HOfi 9aCTOTbI (=33 Cm-l). A~a n~a 6ylrcneHIlrl HaeT OCHOBaHEltI IIpeAIIOJlOwElTb, 9 T O OH0 3JieKTPM9eCKOM @830BOM IIepeXOne. KnaccwecKoro C~~H~T O~J I~K T P E~K~ Tnna nopxno~-6ecnop~no~ NaNO, B o6nac~&i TeMne-TeMnepaTypHoro nosenenm napaMeTpoB ~T O~O , no-BlizpMoMy, p e n a~c a~u o~~o r o ~0 3 -UeccaMki pa3ynop~nore~ufl CerHeToaHTkimoB noacucTeMbr KpmcTanna npa ceraeTo-HeIIOCpenCTBeHHO CBH3aHO C np0-1)