In repressive protection of cultural/historical woodwork, microwaves have many advantages over conventional heating. The research's objective was to examine conditions for eradication of house longhorn beetle larvae (Hylotrupes bajulus) in spruce wood (Picea abies) using microwaves. Larvae, inserted at different depths of spruce blocks containing 12% and 42% of moisture, were exposed to microwaves. Two apparatuses were used; a 750W commercial microwave chamber and a newly developed horn antenna microwave device with the power of 800W and a frequency of 2.45GHz, for targeted radiation. We discovered that the inner part of wood warmed up quicker than the surface heated to 65°C. For successful suppression larvae in the wood need to be heated to 54.5°C, for 10 seconds. The necessary exposure time increases with increasing thickness of wood. The surface of wood containing more moisture is heated quicker, but increased moisture slows down the penetration of microwaves into the wood specimen. Therefore, larvae in wood of lower moisture (12%) died faster, both those 20mm under surface (1.5min) and those at 130 mm of depth (10.5min).Key words: wooden objects, repressive wood protection, microwaves, heating, wood moisture content, house longhorn beetle -Hylotrupes bajulus
IZVLEČEKMikrovalovi imajo pri represivni zaščiti kulturnozgodovinskih lesenih predmetov veliko prednosti pred konvencionalnim gretjem. Namen raziskave je preučiti pogoje uničenja larv hišnega kozlička (Hylotrupes bajulus) v smrekovem lesu (Picea abies) z uporabo mikrovalov. Mikrovalovom smo izpostavili larve, vstavljene različno globoko v smrekove blokce z 12 % in 42 % vlažnostjo lesa. Uporabili smo komercialno mikrovalovno komoro z močjo 750 W in razvito mikrovalovno napravo z rogasto anteno moči 800 W s frekvenco 2,45 GHz, za usmerjeno obsevanje. Ugotovili smo, da se notranjost lesa bolj segreva kot površina, ki smo jo segrevali do 65 °C. Za uspešno zatiranje je treba larvo v lesu segreti na temperaturo 54,5 °C za 10 sekund. Z debelino lesa se podaljšuje čas izpostavitve. Vlažnejši les se hitreje segreva, vendar mikrovalovi počasneje prodirajo skozi volumen. Zato so larve v lesu z nižjo vlažnostjo (12 %) hitreje poginile, tako 20 mm pod površino lesa (1,5 minute) kot v tudi globini 130 mm (10,5 minute).Ključne besede: leseni predmeti, represivna zaščita lesa, mikrovalovi, segrevanje, vlažnost lesa, hišni kozliček -Hylotrupes bajulus GDK 413.3+453(045)=111 Prispelo / Received: