Abstract. Pressure fluctuations in tensiometers in response to temperature changes are examined. Mechanisms considered include temperature variation within an air gap at the top of the tensiometer, the air gap size, saturated water vapor pressure, and hydraulic conductivity of the soil. Pressures measured in a tensiometer generally fall between two simplified, limiting cases. The first limiting case assumes that the tensiometer cup is impermeable for water. This leads to very high fluctuations as air and soil temperatures change. For a cyclical temperature of 35 ___ 15øC, variations in water pressure inside the cup can be ___70 cm water head. For the second limiting case the water moves freely between the tensiometer and the soil, which leads to more stable readings, within _+ 1 cm for the above 15øC fluctuation. While cup impedance was found to be a negligible factor for all cases considered, the analysis presented here suggests that conductivity of the soil immediately around the cup is the main factor governing temperature-induced pressure fluctuations inside the cup.
BackgroundTensiometers are widely used to evaluate soil water potentials in the wet range. Documentation and criteria for successful operation are extensive and well known [cf. Cassel and Klute, 1986]. An assumption for using tensiometers is that the soil water is in equilibrium with water inside of the device where the pressure is measured, either within standing water inside of the cup or in a gas phase existing at the upper end of the column. For the older style tensiometers the gas phase is minimized by servicing the device to remove gases which enter by leaking through the cup or coming out of solution in the water.The newer "puncture-type" tensiometer [Martbaler et al., 1983] is designed to include an air gap of ---2 cm at the top of the device to allow insertion of a needle to measure the pressure with a portable transducer. The air gap allows for a more gradual (seconds instead of milliseconds) change in pressure at the transducer membrane, and thus it eliminates membrane rupture. It also prevents the needle from filling with water and leads to a device which requires less servicing. An increase in air pressure due to insertion of the needle can be taken into account by a "double-puncture technique" [Greenwood and Daniel, 1996]. An intentional air gap can also be used for monitoring in the deep vadose zone by measuring the soil water pressure using a pressure transducer beiow the standing water level. In this case, a considerable air gap can be used, but the soil water pressure at the cup follows as long as the pressure transducer is below the standing water level.