The formation of substitutional solid solutions of the isostructural oxyhydroxides o~-FeOOH-a-A1OOH (goethite-diaspore and "/-FeOOH-y-A1OOH (lepidocrocite-boehmite) was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction technique and by thermal analysis.The unit cell parameters of both orthorhombic structures of a-Fel.xAlxOOH (Pbnm) and ~-Fel.xAlxOOH (Cmcm) decrease clearly with the increase of alumininm content up to x ~0.10.Thermal analysis reveals the sensitivity of DTA and DTG effects to the composition of solid solutions. The temperatures of topotactic formation of rhombohedral ~-(Fe, A1)203 and of the defect-spinel y-(Fe, A1)203 during the dehydroxylation of ot-(Fe, A1)OOH and y-(Fe, A1)OOH respectively increase as the aluminium concentration rises up to 10 tool%. The dehydration curves of samples with greater aluminium content exhibits the same maximum Am/AT as for the 10 mol% Al-preparation, indicating indirectly the end-members of the solid solution ranges.