We are developing dual-band infrired (DBIR) imaging and detection techniques to inspect airframes and concrete bridge decks for hidden corrosion damage. Using selective DBIR image ratios, we enhanced surface temperature contrast and removed surface emissivity noise associated with clutter. Our surface temperature maps depicted defect sites, which heat and cool at different rates than their surroundings. Our emissivity-ratio maps tagged and removed the masking effects of surface clutter. For airframe inspections, we used time-resolved DBIR temperature, emissivity-ratio and composite thermal inertia maps to locate corrosion-thinning effects within a flash-heated Boeing 737 airframe. Emissivity-ratio maps tagged and removed clutter sites from uneven paint, dirt and surface markers. Temperature and thermal inertia maps characterized defect sites, types, sizes, thicknesses, thermal properties and material-loss effects from airframe corrosion. For concrete inspections, we mapped DBIR temperature and emissivity-ratio patterns to better interpret surrogate delamination sites within naturallyheated, concrete slabs and removed the clutter mask from sand pile-up, grease stains, rocks and other surface objects. SPIE Vol. 2245 Thermosense XVI (1994)! 203 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 06/21/2016 Terms of Use: http://spiedigitallibrary.org/ss/TermsOfUse.aspx of objects on the concrete block, see Figure 6, were both warmer than the rocks and had higher emissivity-ratio values which contrasted more with the concrete than the rocks. Also, we note that clutter sites from surface objects on the concrete block had sharp edges, whereas surface temperature pauerns of defect sites from surrogate delaminations within concrete slabs had edges which were less well defined. We expect these features to help distinguish corrosion-related delamination sites from surface clutter sites to clarify interpretation of concrete bridge deck inspections. 7.0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS at the FAA Technical Center for their helpful suggestions. We are grateful for the support efforts of Gary Phipps, Craig Jones, Don Harmon and Pat Walter at Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM where we inspected the Boeing 737 aircraft owned by the FAA/AANC (Aging Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Center). We thank M. Lawrence and N. Nguyen for calibrated thermistor measurements, M. Gorvad for image processing, L. Hrubisch for the Aerogel samples, M. Finger, David Fields and Michael Carter for use of the Agema DBIR system, Ken Dolan, FAA Project Leader, for helpful suggestions and Sàtish Kulkarni, NDE Section Leader, for his support.