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SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Office of Naval research 100 Alabama St NW Suit 4R15 Atlanta, GA 30303-3104
12, DISTRIBUTION AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release, distribution is unlimited.
ABSTRACT -^^^-^^--^^_^^^_^^^___^^-_^^_«^^__Countercurrent flow control was applied as a novel flame stabilization technique on a premixed jet flame. In the experimental setup a converging nozzle burner was placed concentrically in a suction collar to generate suction driven countercurrent flow. Flame blow off velocity was measured at different suction velocity and equivalence ratio values. Tests show that by applying countercurrent flow around the periphery of a jet flame It can be stabilized up to jet exit velocity of 40 m/s. Particle Image Veloclmetry (PIV) measurements and shadowgraph visualizations reveal that, application of suction changes the shear layer structure. An optical temperature measurement technique, refereed to as Laser Speckle Displacement (LSD) was developed for instantaneous temperature field measurements. It Is shown that the technique is easy to irriplement and can be used in conjunction with PIV for simultaneous velocity and temperature measurements In reacting flows.
SUBJECT TERMS --^^-^^-^^^-^^-.^^_^^--^^^--Premixed jet flame, flame stabilization, countercurrent flow, speckle photography, particle image veloclmetry