Electrocardiographic param eters w ere determ ined fo r one o f the m ost endangered species in the w orld, the G om eran giant lizard, Gallotia bravoana, w ith a population o f only ten captive individuals in the world. H eart rate, rhythm , am plitude o f P, R, S and T w aves, interval o f RR, PR, Q T and ST w aves, duration of P, QRS, T waves, description o f SV w ave (representing depolarisation o f the sinus venosus), m ean electrical a x is , a n d c o r r e la tio n w ith c lo a c a l te m p e r a tu r e a n d w e ig h t w e re d e te r m in e d in th is p o p u la tio n. Electrocardiographic tracings showed a positive QRS com plex, presence o f an SV w ave, and T w aves occasion ally negative. Positive correlation w as observed betw een electrical axis and w eight, P duration and am bient tem perature, and S am plitude and cardiac frequency. N egative correlation w as observed betw een electrical axis and cloacal tem perature, S-T duration and the am bient tem perature, R-R interval and the cloacal tem perature, and R-R interval and cardiac frequency. This is the first com plete description o f the electrocardiographic para m eters o f a giant lizard o f Lacertidae fam ily and genus Gallotia.