While it is known since the early work by Edsall, Frank
and Evans,
Kauzmann, and others that the thermodynamics of solvation of nonpolar
solutes in water is unusual and has implications for the thermodynamics
of protein folding, only recently have its connections with the unusual
temperature dependence of the density of solvent water been illuminated.
Such density behavior is, in turn, one of the manifestations of a
nonstandard thermodynamic pattern contemplating a second, liquid–liquid
critical point at conditions of temperature and pressure at which
water exists as a deeply supercooled liquid. Recent experimental and
computational work unambiguously points toward the existence of such
a critical point, thereby providing concrete answers to the questions
posed by the 1976 pioneering experiments by Speedy and Angell and
the associated “liquid–liquid transition hypothesis”
posited in 1992 by Stanley and co-workers. Challenges of this phenomenology
to the branch of Statistical Mechanics remain.