1974. Behavioral thermoregulation in the pika Ochotona princeps: a field study using radiotelemetry. Can. J. Zool. 52: 353-358. When either the level or duration of spontaneous activity is increased over an ambient temperature range of 2-2PC, tlie body temperalure of the ~k a shows e slight increase; the maximum Ourtua~ion obrerved war I.OC. Hawurer. none o?thr changer in body temperature proved to be significantly different from thal of the resting state (P < 0.05).In nature, pihas avoid hyperthermia I?y means of precise behavioral thermoregulation in which both dura~ion and levcl OF actlrity are regulated. A negative correlation was observed between the duration of time spent on the surface of the rocks, and the surface ambient temperature, over R range of 3-27C. Between 0930 and 1930 h, as the surface ambient temperature increased. ihe percentage of obscrvat~ons I n which the pika was below the rocks increased. and vice versa. By engaging in short bursrs of surface ac~ivity (usually Iess than a 3.5-min duration) followed by retreal to the cooler micrmlima~e beneath the rocks. pikas 8Fe able lo regulate their lmdy temperature precisely at a level only 2-?C hlow the upper lethal temperature. -MACARTHUR, R. A., et L. C. H. WANG. 1974. Behavioral thermoregulation in the pika Ochotona princeps: a field study using radiotelemetry. Can. J. Zool. 52: 353-358. Chez I'ochotone, lorsque l'intensitt ou la durCe de I'activitt spontank augmente, h une tempirature ambiante situte entre 2-28C, la temperature du corps augmente lkgkrement, la fluctuation maximale observk &ant de l.O°C. Ce ndant, aucun des changements de temphature du corps nest signfiativement different de etempirature au repos (P < 0.05). En nature, les ochotones Bvitent I'hyperthermie ar une r y l a t i o n thermique ricise.~socik au comportement et pendant laquelle sont c o n t r k s et la uree et I'intens~ti fe I'achv~tk. On constate une correlation negative entre la d u r k du tem s pass6 i la surface des rochers et la temperature arnbiante de surface, entre 3-27C. Entre 09f0 et 1930 h, ti mesure qu'aumente la temperature ambiante de surface, le pourcenta e de temps pass6 sous les rocheis au-pente et vice verw. En se limitant 21 de courtes ~eriodes jactivitt! en surface (ordinairement moms de 3.5rnin) suivies d'un retour i un microclimat plus frais, sous les rochers, les ochotones arrivent ? i contrbler la temperature de leur corps de fafon prkise, B un niveau de seulement 2-3C sous la tempirature letale supirieure.vraduit par le journal]