The precession of the magnetization of a ferromagnet is shown to transfer spins into adjacent normal metal layers. This "pumping" of spins slows down the precession corresponding to an enhanced Gilbert damping constant in the Landau-Lifshitz equation. The damping is expressed in terms of the scattering matrix of the ferromagnetic layer, which is accessible to model and first-principles calculations. Our estimates for permalloy thin films explain the trends observed in recent experiments. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.117601 PACS numbers: 76.50. +g, 72.25.Mk, 73.40. -c, 75.75. +a The magnetization dynamics of a bulk ferromagnet is well described by the phenomenological Landau-Lifshitz-where m is the magnetization direction, g is the gyromagnetic ratio, and H eff is the effective magnetic field including the external, demagnetization, and crystal anisotropy fields. The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) was first introduced by Gilbert [1] and the dimensionless coefficient a is called the Gilbert damping constant. For a constant H eff and a 0, m precesses around the field vector with frequency v gH eff . When damping is switched on a . 0, the precession spirals down to a time independent magnetization along the field direction on a time scale of 1͞av. The study of a in bulk metallic ferromagnets has drawn significant interest over several decades. Notwithstanding the large body of both experimental [2] and theoretical [3] work, the damping mechanism in bulk ferromagnets is not yet fully understood.The magnetization dynamics in thin magnetic films and microstructures is technologically relevant for, e.g., magnetic recording applications at high bit densities. Recent interest by the basic physics community in this topic is motivated by the spin-current induced magnetization switching in layered structures [4 -6]. The Gilbert damping constant was found to be 0.04 , a , 0.22 for Cu-Co and Pt-Co [5,7], which is considerably larger than the bulk value a 0 ഠ 0.005 in Co [6,8]. Previous attempts to explain the additional damping in magnetic multilayer systems involved an enhanced electron-magnon scattering near the interface [9] and other mechanisms [10], both in equilibrium and in the presence of a spin-polarized current.In this Letter we propose a novel mechanism for the Gilbert damping in normal-metal-ferromagnet ͑N-F͒ hybrids. According to Eq. (1), the precession of the magnetization direction m is caused by the torque~m 3 H eff . This is physically equivalent to a volume injection of what we call a "spin current." The damping occurs when the spin current is allowed to leak into a normal metal in contact with the ferromagnet. Our mechanism is thus the inverse of the spin-current induced magnetization switching: A spin current can exert a finite torque on the ferromagnetic order parameter, and, vice versa, a moving magnetization vector loses torque by emitting a spin current. In other words, the magnetization precession acts as a spin pump which transfers angular momentum from the ferromagnet into the norma...