To design a steel structure in fire is necessary to know its temperature. Using the data from many experimental fire tests, Margaret Law estimated the maximum temperature in a compartment (natural fire), the external heat transfer to steel elements and the maximum temperature value for steel. The Eurocode adopted her method, with minor adjustments. The method is very calculation intensive-it involves about 60 equationstoo many for a quick hand calculation. Besides, while a distinction is made between steel members engulfed and not engulfed in flame, the method is not clear about partially engulfed members. The authors developed the software ExteelFire to determine the maximum temperature of external steel structures for buildings in fire based on the Eurocode method including the determination of the temperature of the partially engulfed elements. Aiming to ascertain the level of safety of the Eurocode method, the results from ExteelFire and a numerical analysis performed using Smartfire (CFD software for the fire model) and Super Tempcalc (finite element method, FEM, software for the thermal analysis) were compared. Furthermore, results from ExteelFire and from two full-scale experimental tests (Dalmarnock and Ostrava) were contrasted. Based on the comparisons, the Eurocode method is conservative.When the structural element is not engulfed in flames, the thermal balance is also determined by Equation (1). Adopting several simplifying assumptions in this case yields Equation (5). The following modifications were made to produce Equation (5): ḣ cz = 0; ḣ perd ¼ α a T a À T 0 ð Þ, where ḣ perd represents the heat lost by the steel through convection and α a is the convection factor for Several comparisons with results of another software developed in Mathcad by the authors, parametric analyses and physically realistic situations were studied. All the results were consistent with expectations [5].Results from ExteelFire were compared [5] to other computational tools, to the 'FIRES' software from ARBED, based on the first Eurocode 1 [10] and to the tables from the American Iron and Steel Institute (based on the original Law method) [11]. ExteelFire is more complete than the other cited tools and based on the latest Eurocode.
Tested modelFor the purposes of comparison between the Eurocode method and CFD methods (computational fluid dynamics), numerical tests were carried out with several geometric models using two types of software: ExteelFire (based on Eurocode) and Smartfire (CFD). The Smartfire V4.1 software is an advanced computational code for fire simulation developed by the FSEG, Fire Safety Engineering Group, of Greenwich University, England [6].The six compartment geometries adopted in this study are presented in Figure 2.The fire load density for ExteelFire or the equivalent heat release rate (HRR) for Smartfire, the equivalent mass release rate (MRR) and the opening factor are indicated in Table I.The source of the fire was 3.00 m wide,...