Template-electrodeposited polymer/Pt microtube engines display efficient propulsion in a wide range of real-life samples ranging from seawater to human serum. Remarkably high speeds are observed in fuel-enhanced raw serum, apple juice, seawater, lake and river water samples. Our results indicate that polymer-based microengines hold considerable promise for diverse practical applications and that real samples exert different effects upon propulsion of different bubblepropelled microtube engines.Considerable efforts are currently being devoted to the design of efficient synthetic micro/nanoscale motors that convert chemical energy into autonomous motion. 1-6 Catalytic microtube engines, pioneered by Mei and Schmidt, have been shown to be extremely useful for addressing the ionic-strength limitation of bimetal catalytic nanowire motors. 1,7,8 Such bubble-propelled microengines thus display efficient propulsion in salt-rich environments due to electrocatalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide fuel. 9-11 Previous studies have also indicated the facile motion of polymer-based micromotors or rolled up microjets in various diluted (3-4 fold diluted) real-life media. 12-18 However, recent reports claimed that the movement of bubble-propelled Cu-Pt microengines is greatly hindered in various diluted real samples, and even completely stopped in highly diluted serum or seawater. 19,20 Such observations may have profound implications on the scope of future applications of microscale machines. The impeded movement in such samples has been attributed to high viscosity of these media and to co-existing molecules that passivate the catalytic Pt surface. 19,20 Since bubble-propelled microengines can be prepared by different fabrication methods and using different materials, 1 it is essential to carefully examine this important issue, in connection to other common protocols for fabricating bubble-propelled microtube engines, and to gain understanding of the effect of the motor design and composition on propulsion efficiency in different media.Here, we wish to demonstrate that template-prepared polymer/Pt microtube engines display efficient propulsion even in undiluted seawater and serum matrices, and to examine the effect of various undiluted (and slightly diluted) real-life environments upon their movement. Template electrodeposition has been shown to be particularly attractive for preparing polymer-based catalytic microengines (Fig. 1a). 10,21 Such polymer-based microengines have been shown recently to display a record-breaking speed of over 1400 body lengths per s. 21,22 The preparation conditions, particularly the electropolymerization parameters, have been shown to have a profound effect on the morphology and propulsion behavior of polymer-based microengines. 21 Such motor morphology and performance are thus greatly inuenced by the nature and concentration of the monomer and of the supporting electrolyte, as well as by the surfactant present. Such preparation conditions can be used to tailor and optimize the composition an...