present. After a was released, addition of core polymerase with rifampicin reduced the free a to less than 15%, indicating that the released a was accessible to the added core enzyme. Thus these studies have provided physical evidence for the a cycle during in vitro transcription. The transcription of a bacterial genome is primarily mediated by a single RNA polymerase (RNA nucleotidyltransferase; nucleosidetriphosphate:RNA nucleotidyltransferase; EC The purified Escherichia coli RNA polymerase holoenzyme has a subunit structure of a2If'a, with molecular weights for the subunits of 40,000, 155,000, 165,000, and 90,000, respectively (1, 2). The holoenzyme can be reversibly dissociated to yield the core enzyme (a2o') and the a subunit. Like the holoenzyme, core polymerase is catalytically active, but differs in transcribing native double-stranded DNA nonspecifically and inefficiently (3, 4).The a subunit by itself has no catalytic function. Its role in gene transcription is 2-fold. (a) The a specificity: a promotes specific initiation of RNA chains that yields asymmetric transcription resembling in vvo RNA products (1). (b) The a cycle: a stimulates RNA synthesis by increasing the rate of initiation through its catalytic reuse by core polymerase (5).Based on their in tdtro transcriptional studies, Travers and Burgess (5) first proposed the following a cycle: a initially forms a complex with core polymerase, which is able to bind to promotor sites on DNA and to initiate specific RNA synthesis. During or after initiation, a is released from the enzyme-DNA complex and may then be reused by another core polymerase molecule to initiate a new RNA chain.Evidence for the physical separation of a from the enzyme-DNA complex after RNA chain initiation has been provided by use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for Azotobacter and E. coli RNA polymerases (6, 7), or by use of sucrose gradient centrifugation for Pseudomonas RNA polymerase (8). However, the evidence is not conclusive because electrical or centrifugal force used could influence the interaction between a and core polymerase. Even if the effect of the external forces is negligible, these studies only indicate a weakening of the a-core polymerase interaction during transcription, resulting in the subsequent separation of a from core polymerase by the electric field or centrifugal force, and do not prove the physical release of a due to RNA synthesis.This communication presents a direct demonstration by nanosecond fluorescence depolarization spectroscopy of the physical release of a during transcription. This technique measures the rate of molecular rotation (Brownian rotational diffusion) and thereby provides information concerning the sizes, shapes, and aggregation states of macromolecules (9, 10) MATERIALS AND METHODS RNA polymerase holoenzyme was purified from cells of E. coli B as described previously (11). The purity of the enzyme was >95% as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The a subunit and core polymerase were...