Abstract:The main objective of this article is to analyse the multiannual variability of frost occurrence and the length of the frost-free period in Poland and neighbouring countries between 1971 and 2010. A frost day was dened as a day on which the minimum temperature was below 0°C and the maximum temperature was above 0°C. On average, between March and November, there were 30 frost days in Poland and neighbouring countries, and their number ranged between 12 and 61. In the analysed multiannual period, there was a statistically signi cant tendency for the last spring frost to be earlier. Conversely, the rst autumn frost occurred increasingly late, although the changes were not statistically signi cant. All but three stations (Augsburg, Kaliningrad, Olsztyn) recorded an increase in the length of frost-free periods, which was statistically signi cant in 51% of stations. The pressure condition conducive to the occurrence of frosts was anticyclonic circulation, as con rmed by the SLP and z500 hPa maps which were drawn up, and the Grosswetterlagen (GWL) classi cation types which were distinguished.