The ability to be synchronized by light-dark cycles is a fundamental property of circadian clocks. Although there are indications that circadian clocks are extremely light-sensitive and that they can be set by the low irradiances that occur at dawn and dusk, this has not been shown on the cellular level. Here, we demonstrate that a subset of Drosophila's pacemaker neurons responds to nocturnal dim light. At a nighttime illumination comparable to quartermoonlight intensity, the flies increase activity levels and shift their typical morning and evening activity peaks into the night. In parallel, clock protein levels are reduced, and clock protein rhythms shift in opposed direction in subsets of the previously identified morning and evening pacemaker cells. No effect was observed on the peripheral clock in the eye. Our results demonstrate that the neurons driving rhythmic behavior are extremely light-sensitive and capable of shifting activity in response to the very low light intensities that regularly occur in nature. This sensitivity may be instrumental in adaptation to different photoperiods, as was proposed by the morning and evening oscillator model of Pittendrigh and Daan. We also show that this adaptation depends on retinal input but is independent of cryptochrome.circadian rhythm Í dual-oscillator model Í PERIOD Í synchronization Í TIMELESS E ndogenous circadian clocks prepare organisms according to the most reliable and predictable of environmental changes, the cycle of day and night. To function as reliable timers, circadian clocks themselves are synchronized to the 24-h cycle. This synchronization is accomplished mainly by light. Whereas light during the day has little effect on circadian clocks, they are most susceptible to light in the early and late night. Bright light pulses applied during the early night delay the phase of the clock; light pulses during the late night advance it (1). Stable synchronization occurs when the delaying and advancing effects of light on the clock in the early (at dusk) and late night (at dawn) are of equal strength. In nature, stable synchronization is a challenging task, because irradiances during dawn and dusk can vary largely from day to day because of the weather. BĂŒnning (2) measured irradiances systematically throughout day and night and found that day-to-day fluctuations are smallest during early dawn and late dusk, when the irradiances are still Ïœ10 lux. Therefore, he proposed that organisms time their clocks to the very low irradiances occurring during early dawn and late dusk and thus must be very light-sensitive. Indeed, he found that bean plants synchronize to light of moonlight intensity (0.6-0.8 lux) and that artificial moonlight applied during the night phase shifted the rhythm of leaf movement (2). Bean plants lower their leaves during the night, and BĂŒnning suggested that they need to do so to decrease the moonlight reaching the leaf surface to avoid their light-sensitive clocks interpreting the moonlight as the coming dawn (2).In animals, it is under deb...