Net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) provides a quantifiable and integrative method for assessing the ecological responses of aquatic ecosystems to anthropogenic disturbance and has been shown to positively relate to nutrient enrichment in some systems. We measured NEM to determine the trophic status of 4 coastal lagoons receiving a range of nutrient loads on the Virginia/ Maryland portion of the Delmarva Peninsula, USA. From July 2007 to July 2008, we used the component technique to assess NEM by developing photosynthesis−irradiance curves for both the water column and sediments approximately monthly; we added macroalgal incubations in the summer of 2008. We also measured in situ NEM by the open water method using 2 to 3 wk deployments of data sondes. Component incubations indicated net autotrophy in all 4 lagoons for March to October. No significant relationship existed between NEM and total nitrogen load overall, except for reduced autotrophy in the most enriched system. Light availability, sediment organic content, temperature and depth were all important regulators of NEM. Inclusion of macroalgal metabolism during summer 2008 had varied effects on system NEM. Open water and component methods gave divergent results. We attribute these differences to the adjacent marshes and the assumptions inherent in the 2 methods, demonstrating the need for careful attention to the method of choice for estimating system metabolism in these highly variable, shallow photic systems. Overall, NEM was net autotrophic, dominated by phytoplankton production across our study lagoons, and controlled by multiple factors.KEY WORDS: Net ecosystem metabolism · Primary production · Respiration · Coastal lagoon · Phytoplankton · Microphytobenthos · Macroalgae
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherMar Ecol Prog Ser 458: 21-38, 2012 22 shellfish species (Beck et al. 2001, Able 2005, EPA 2008). The close proximity of shallow marine systems to land, their small volumes and relatively long residence times, and the penetration of light to the benthos make these systems particularly susceptible to nutrient enrichment (Duarte 1995, Bricker et al. 1999). Microphytobenthos (MPB), however, may help mediate the response of shallow systems to nutrient loading (Tobias et al. 2003, Anderson et al. 2010.Although nitrogen loads to coastal lagoons are of a magnitude similar to those of deeper estuaries, responses in shallow lagoons appear to be quite different, likely because of enhanced benthic− pelagic coupling (Nixon et al. 2001). An illuminated benthos results in a significant contribution of MPB, seagrasses and macroalgae to total system production. Under extremely high nitrogen loads, however, bloom-forming macroalgae and, ultimately, phytoplankton can dominate, shading out MPB, seagrasses and slow-growing macroalgae (Borum & Sand-Jensen, 1996, Valiela et al. 1997.Interactions between autotrophic communities are complex and predictive patterns between nutrient loading and a single component of the sys...