We present the application of dual stable isotope analyses of NO3 (δ 15 N-NO3 and 18 O-NO3) to provide a comprehensive assessment of the provenance, partitioning, and conversion of nitrate across the Day River Basin (DRB), Vietnam, which is heavily impacted by agriculture and urbanization. Stable isotope compositions of river water 18 O-H2O, in addition to their δ 15 N-NO3 and 18 O-NO3 signatures, were
Man scripClick here to access/download;Manuscript;Biogeochemistry_3_final_VNP.doc Click here to ie linked References sampled at 12 locations in the DRB. Sample collection was conducted during three different periods to capture changes in regional weather and agricultural fertilization regimes; April (the dry season and key fertilization period), July (the rainy season and another key fertilization period) and October (the rainy season with no regional fertilization). Ranges of NO3 stable isotopes are -7.1 to +9.2 and -3.9 to +13.2 for 18 O and 15 N, respectively. Interpretation of the stable isotope data characterizes 4 main sources of NO3 in the DRB; (1) nitrified urea fertilizer derived from an intensive agricultural irrigation network, (2) soil and groundwater leaching from within the basin (3) manure and sewage inputs (which is more prevalent in downstream river sections) and ( 4) upstream inflow from the Red River which discharges into the Day River through the Dao River. We applied a mixing model for the DRB consisting of 4 variables, representing these 4 different sources. The partition calculation shows that during the fertilization and rainy period of July, more than 45% of river NO3 is derived from nitrified urea sources.During the other sampling periods (April and October), manure and sewage contribute more than 50% of river NO3 and are derived from the middle portion of the DRB, where the Day River receives domestic wastewater from the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi. Stable isotope data of O and N reveal that nitrification processes are more prevalent in the rainy season than in dry season and that this predominantly takes place in paddy field agricultural zones. In general, data demonstrate that nitrate loss in the DRB is due to denitrification which takes place in polluted stretches of the river and dominates in the dry season. This study highlights that i) domestic waste should be treated prior to its discharge into the Day River and ii) the need for better catchment agricultural fertilization practices as large portions of fertilizer currently discharge into the river, which greatly impacts regional water quality.