The fourth industrial revolution focuses on the digitization and automation of supply chains resulting in a significant transformation of methods for goods production and delivery systems. To enable this, automated warehousing is demanding unprecedented vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication rates and reliability. The 60 GHz frequency band can deliver multi-gigabit/second data rates to satisfy the increasing demands of network connectivity by smart warehouses. In this paper, we aim to investigate the network connectivity in the 60 GHz millimeter-wave band inside an automated warehouse. A key hindrance to robust and high-speed network connectivity, especially, at mmWave frequencies stems from numerous non-line-of-sight (nLOS) paths in the transmission medium due to various interacting objects such as metal shelves and storage boxes. The continual change in the warehouse storage configuration significantly affects the multipath reflected components and shadow fading effects, thus adding complexity to establishing stable, yet fast, network coverage. In this study, network connectivity in an automated warehouse is analyzed at 60 GHz using Network Simulator-3 (NS-3) channel simulations. We examine a simple warehouse model with several metallic shelves and storage materials of standard proportions. Our investigation indicates that the indoor warehouse network performance relies on the line-of-sight and nLOS propagation paths, the existence of reflective materials, and the autonomous material handling agents present around the access point (AP). In addition, we discuss the network performance under varied conditions including the AP height and storage materials on the warehouse shelves. We also analyze the network performance in each aisle of the warehouse in addition to its SINR heatmap to understand the 60 GHz network connectivity.