Problem-Segments within the retail industry have a substantially higher rate of work-related fatality due to workplace violence compared to the retail industry overall. Certain demographic subgroups may be at higher risk.Method-National traumatic injury surveillance data were analyzed to characterize the distribution of fatality rates due to workplace violence among selected retail workers in the United States from 2003 through 2008.Results-Overall, the highest fatality rates due to work-related homicide occurred among men, workers aged ≥ 65 years, black, Asian, foreign-born and Southern workers. Among foreign-born workers, those aged 16-24 years, non-Hispanic whites and Asians experienced substantially higher fatality rates compared to their native-born counterparts.Conclusions-The burden of work-related homicide in the retail industry falls more heavily on several demographic groups, including racial minorities and the foreign-born. Further research should examine the causes of these trends. Interventions designed to prevent workplace violence should target these groups.