Abstract. Although the Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus (RJF) has been thoroughly investigated in captivity outside its natural range, few studies have taken place in its natural habitat. The species is of high conservation value as an ancestor of domestic chickens. To address this paucity of information on its ecology, we examined the population density of RJF in dry evergreen forest in eastern Thailand. Between 2006 and 2009, a capture-recapture study revealed that population density varied between 1.6῍2.0 individuals per hectare. Proportions of RJF males and females were not statistically di#erent. On average, maximum ranging distance of males and females was 380.3 m (ῐ 305.1SD). Temporal variations of body weight were detected. In the breeding season, males and females lost up to 18% and 23.6% of their weight, respectively, whereas in the non-breeding season, they gained approximately 21.5% and 23.6% of their body weight, respectively. The maximum lifespan of RJF in nature was estimated to be at least four years.