“…The total cell number in the ICM was unchanged after immunosurgery (Figure S1A), and those in the ICMs isolated at E3.5 and E4.5, or after 24-hour culture from E3.5, were comparable to ICM cell numbers in E3.5 and E4.5 whole blastocysts, respectively (Figure 1B). We live-imaged the isolated ICMs using a fluorescent reporter of PrE fate, Pdgfra H2B-GFP , (Hamilton et al 2003;Plusa et al 2008) combined with a ubiquitous H2B-mCherry reporter (Abe et al 2011) (Figure 1C, and Video S1), and quantitatively analysed the dynamics of cell sorting, using a custom, semi-automated nuclear detection and tracking pipeline (Fabrèges et al 2023) (Figure 1D). To quantify ICM segregation, we define the sorting score as the extent of overlap between EPI and PrE spatial domains (Figure S1B), which describes both live and immunostained ICMs (Figure 1E, Figure S1C).…”