Reviews including the latest "data-rich" chemical vapor intrusion-radon (CVI-Rn) studies indicate buildings/times can be "screened-in" as having Rn-evident-susceptibility/priority for soil gas intrusion, and elevated-potential for CVI concerns, or not. These screening methods can supplement conventional indoor-air chemical sampling, under naturally varying conditions, by prioritizing buildings and times based on indoor Rn levels. Rn is a widespread, naturally occurring component of soil gas and a tracer of soil gas intrusion into the indoor air of overlying buildings. Rn is also an indicator for generally similar behavior of other components of near-building soil gas, possibly including chemical contaminant vapors. Indoor Rn is easily measured at a low cost, allowing continuous observations from essentially all buildings with the potential for CVI across time. This presents cost savings and other benefits for all CVI stakeholders. c⃝ 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Published online in Wiley Online Library (