I~m'po~: To determine the hemodynamic responses to, and the efficacy of epinephrine-containing epidural test doses, during sevoflurane anesthesia, based on the conventional heart rate (HR) increase >20 beats'rain -f, the modified HR increase if ~ 10 beats'rain -t, and the systolic blood pressure (SBP) increase 15 mmHg criteria. Methods: One hundred and twenty patients were randomised to receive sevoflurane 0.5, I or 2% end-tidal (n = 40 each) and nitrous oxide 67% in oxygen after tracheal intubation. Each group of patients was further divided into groups receiving 3 ml lidocaine 1.5% plus 15/~g epinephrine (1:200,000) iv, or 3 ml normal saline (n = 20 each). The HR and SBP were monitored for four minutes after injection of the study drug. l~a:stdts: Intravenous injection of the test dose produced HR increases 220 beats-min -I in l8 (90%), 16 (80%) and 14 (70%) patients at sevoflurane concentrations at 0.5, I and 2%, respectively, while those receiving saline developed no HR changes. Based on the modified HR criterion, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were ~all 10096 under sevoflurane concentrations of 0.5 and 1%, but not 2~ On the other hand, all patients in the test dose groups and none in the saline groups developed SBP ~ 15 mmHg, ensuring 100% efficacy based on the conventional SBP criterion under all sevoflurane concentrations studied. In all patients receiving the intravenous test dose, peak HR occurred 30-45 sec earlier than that of SBP. Conclusion: During stable sevoflurane anesthesia, peak HR increase ~ 10 beats'rain -I should be regarded as a positive response with end-tidal sevoflurane concentration s 1%, and peak SBP increase _~ 15 mmHg is applicable at sevoflurane concentrations between 0.5 and 296.ObjectS": DEterminer les rEponses hEmodynamiques ~ des doses tests p&idurales contenant de I'EpinEphrine et en verifier I'efficacitE pendant I'anesth&ie au sEvoflurane. Les essais sont bases sur I'augmentation habituelle de la frEquence cardiaque(FC)> 20 battements'min -I, I'augmentation modifiEe de la FC si > 10 battements.min -I et le crit&e d'accroissement > 15 mmHg de la tension art&ielle systolique (-I-AS). M&hode : Cent vingt patients ont ErE rEpartis au hasard et ont re~u du sEvoflurane 0,5, I ou 2 96 (fin d'expiration) (n = 40 dans chaque groupe) et un melange de protoxyde d'azote, ~ 67 %, et d'oxygEne apr& I'intubation endotrach~ale. Chaque groupe a ensuite EtE divisE en sous-groupes ~ qui on a administrE 3 ml de lidocai'ne 1,5 % et 15/Jg d'EpinEphrine (I :200 000) iv, ou 3 ml de solution salEe (n --20 chacun). La FC et la TAS ont &E surveill&s pendant quatre minutes apr& I'injection du medicament &udi~. REsultats : I'injection intraveineuse de la dose test a produit une augmentation de la FC>20 battements.min -~ chez 18 (90 %), 16 (80 %) et 14 (70 %) patients pour des concentrations de sEvoflurane de 0 5, I et 2 %, respectivement, tandis que ceux qui ont re~u une solution sal& front pas subi de changement de FC. Sur la base du cri&e modifiE de FC, la sensibili...