Why would a computational biologist with 40 years of research experience say bioinformatics is dead? The short answer is, in being the Founding Dean of a new School of Data Science, what we do suddenly looks different. Now that I have your attention, clearly, bioinformatics as a field is very much alive. The name, however, no longer applies to what we actually do in the field. It is not what forward-thinking scientists should be calling themselves in this era of the fourth paradigm of data science [1], where data sharing lies at the core of biology. If you're asking why anyone should care, let me explain. But first, let me acknowledge Florian Markowetz, who started the discussion [2]. As NIH Associate Director for Data Science, I made similar arguments to the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director in 2014. I argued that until the 1980s to 1990s, computation was a complex tool in the hands of a few. The human genome project changed all that. Experiment and computation were synergistic and the promise of bioinformatics-which could not only describe and maintain the massive volume of digital data being generated but also provide the tools needed to assemble and make sense of 3 billion nucleotides-claimed the limelight. The euphoria around what bioinformatics could accomplish was so great that in the early 2000s the private sector snatched up a significant fraction of the computational practitioners to capitalize on the era of human genomics. The initial excitement faded several years later, when bioinformatics could not deliver in the short product cycles that the industry demanded, and bioinformaticians were regarded as mere service providers to experimentally driven research. Still, its promise could not be denied. A new generation of practitioners emerged who were as adept in silico as they were in vivo and/or in vitro. Bioinformatics spread its wings as computational biology and then systems biology, which is roughly where we are today. In 2014, I predicted that by 2020, computation would be steering the biomedical ship, experiment would increasingly be used to confirm predictive models, and causation would increasingly be determined from digital data previously collected by others or by bioinformatically guided laboratory robotics that maximized experimental insights. My predictions about timing were off, but not about outcome. The role of what I'll call digitally based causation and predictive analytics is assured. Thus, how we describe our field, to truly express what we do, is off. What's driven the changes? The same thing that spawned bioinformatics: digital data. But now there is much more of it, and it's not just DNA sequences but data at all scales, from molecules to populations, and it's being collected (high-throughput methods) and generated (via simulations and modeling) at unprecedented rates. Add to that