Assess the prevalence and risk factors of a group of adults for SAH and, at the same time, raise their awareness of the need for prevention through changes in lifestyle. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study, 96 people were evaluated. A questionnaire consisting of eight questions was used to assess risk factors, lifestyle and diseases. Weight, height, waist and neck circumference, blood pressure (BP) and fasting capillary blood glucose (GCJ) were measured. All participants signed a free and informed consent form and the project was approved by an ethics committee. Approximately 35% of patients had hypertension and 17% diabetes with a previous diagnosis determined by a doctor. The risk factors with the highest prevalence were: Abnormal abdominal circumference with 85.1%, body mass index (BMI) with 76% of people over 25kg / m², 56.8% with altered BP (SBP> 120 and / or DBP> 80mmHg) and GCJ, with 48.1% presenting values> 100 mg / dL and 10.13%> 126 mg / dL. As for the pressure classification, 15% of those evaluated had values less than 120x80mmHg, 20% in the borderline value (130-139 / 85-89) and approximately 37% presented values that are considered as hypertension. Among the risk factors, those associated with the occurrence of SAH (95% CI) were: Age, waist circumference (in men) and BMI. In people over 60 years of age, there was a three-fold increase in risk, a higher risk was also observed in variables related to obesity, increasing by up to 2.5 times.