A double-notch and modified Iosipescu shear test fixtures have been designed and manufactured to investigate in-plane shear properties of cross-ply composite laminate with different off-axis angles. A cross-ply [0°/900]2, glasslpolyester composite laminate was manufactured using hand lay-up technique. This laminate was cut at different off-axis angles (€lo= O0, 15", 30' and 45") to give different stacking sequences ([0°1900]2,, [15°1-75012,, [30°/-6O012, and [45"1-45"1~, respectively). The tensile properties (strength, modulus, and Poisson's ratio) were determined experimentally and theoretically fiom the elastic properties of the constituent materials. Shear properties (strength and modulus) were determined experimentally by the two tests. Shear modulus were predicted theoretically fiom the elastic properties of the constituent materials. -1