Class II skeletal malocclusion and respiratory disorders owing to the obstruction of the upper airway at early growth stages have been correlated. The retro/micrognathism can be treated with functional appliances. However, the effects of an early functional orthopedic treatment on the airway dimensions have not been evaluated before the growth peak. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the airway dimensions of class II retrognathic children who received treatment with either Klammt or Bionator on a pre-pubertal stage. The sample consisted of 50 lateral cephalograms of class II retrognathic patients in a pre-puberal stage, before and after the use of a Klammt or Bionator II treatment for 1 year. The data were evaluated by Student's t-test or Mann-Whitney test, and significance was set at 5% (P < 0·05). When the measurements before and after treatment were compared, a statistically significant increase in the airway dimensions was found at the space where the adenoid tissue was located. The only airway dimensions that increased after treatment with functional appliances were the ones located at the nasopharynx. The adenoid tissue is still in the peak of growing at the ages of the subjects included in this study. However, the measurements along the nasopharynx increased when compared with the initial ones. Still, similar retrospective and prospective studies are needed at older stages.