In the face of rising infla�on, a variety of financial tools are increasingly important to protect capital from loss of value. In such a context, ques�ons arise not only about what is worth inves�ng in in order to achieve investment returns that follow the rate of infla�on but also how to verify which investment is an infla�on hedger. This leads to ques�ons about which investment to choose and how to check whether its historical returns have allowed the capital to be protected from loss of value. However, some experts point out that this type of analysis is not straigh�orward and the outcome of the analysis may depend on the research method adopted.Aim of the study -to determine whether selected investment direc�ons on the Polish capital market are able to protect capital against infla�on-related loss of value.Research methodology -the study used two approaches, cointegra�on analysis and regression analysis, The first step was to analyse distribu�ons and calculate correla�ons between investments. This was followed by a cointegra�on analysis using the Engle-Granger test and a regression analysis using the OLS method. The study covered the period from Q4 2008 to Q4 2022. The following assets were used for the analysis: the TBSP index from the bond market, Bitcoin and gold quotes quoted in PLN, the WIG index from the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the WIG Real Estate stock index and the NBP hedonic index of property prices in the seven largest ci�es in Poland. These investments were related to the HCPI harmonised infla�on index published by the European Sta�s�cal Office (EUROSTAT).Result -The analysis carried out revealed different results depending on the survey methodology adopted. The co-integra�on analysis pointed to Bitcoin as an infla�on hedging investment. On the contrary, the regression analysis pointed to gold and residen�al property as infla�on combined.Originality/value -the study is an important contribu�on to the gaps in the Polish market in terms of analysis of capital protec�on op�ons against infla�on. Although the study focused only on the Polish market, this topic has not been addressed for a long �me in mature economies. Addi�onally, the study allowed for a comparison of the results obtained with different research methods.
Introduc�onIn recent years, the Polish economy has faced difficult �mes, resul�ng in economic problems and especially a sharp rise in infla�on. The rise in prices is forcing investors to look for alterna�ves to poorly interest-bearing bank deposits, and the topic of hedging capital against loss of its value is returning a�er a gap of years. Investment in tradi�onal assets such as bonds, cryptocurrencies, gold, shares, or real estate is a natural course of ac�on. Although equity investments seem less obvious, they are based on real value and property, which makes them an important considera�on. Among the current investment direc�ons, it is impossible not to men�on Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies, although