“…In the final part, the model is projected taking into account the endogenous and exogenous variables, the latent variables, the observable variables, the error variables, and grouping variables, which will be determined taking into account the revised theory. Likewise, to prepare the structural equation model, the following fit indices were taken into account: CMIN/ DF, which must meet the condition of <3.00 to be acceptable; the squared error rate (RMR) must meet the condition of close to (Escobedo et al, 2016) ); the error of approximation (RMSEA), whose condition must be <=0.05 (Rappaport et al, 2020) ; the normed fit index (NFI) must meet the condition of =>0.90 (Hong & Jacobucci, 2019) ; the CFI, whose acceptable range is =>0.90 (Rueda and Zapata, 2018). And, the parsimony adjustment measures (PRATIO, PNFI, PCFI) that must meet the condition of being greater than 0.5 (Medrano & Muñoz-Navarro, 2017) .…”