Mass cytometry (MC) and imagingm ass cytometry (IMC TM ) have emergeda si mportant tools for the study of biological heterogeneity.W er ecently demonstrated the use of l-2-tellurienylalanine (TePhe),amimic of phenylalanine (Phe), as an MCand IMC-compatible protein synthesis reporter.I nt his work, the biochemical similarity of TePhe and its cognate analogue, Phe, are examined in the contexto ft he RNase Sc omplex. Isothermalt itration calorimetry studies show that incorporation of TePhe preserves the interaction of S-peptide with S-protein, and the dissociation constants for the interaction of the Phe and Te Phep eptides are within af actor of two. The resulting RNase Sc omplex is catalytically active without significant alterations in the enzyme'skinetic parameters. Furthermore, circular dichroism spectroscopy does not reveal any changes to the secondary structure of Te Phe-substituted RNase S. These findings provide strong evidence that Te Phe functions as aPhe isostere in the context of afolded protein. It is anticipated that incorporation of Te Phe into peptides or peptidomimetic scaffolds will enablefacile generation of MC and IMC TM probes.[a] Dr.