“…In ISC reactions the R / P transition virtually coincides with a QC spin eigenstate transition and hence, introducing the (electrons) spin eigenstates s R s P (with s R s s P ), the perturbed electronic-spin eigenstates F e,R s R and F e,P s P as obtained neglecting any magnetic interaction and provided within PMM by diagonalizing the perturbed electronic Hamiltonian matrix given by eqn (18) and (19) for the R and P spin eigenstate respectively, can be used as proper diabatic electronic-spin states. Therefore, the electronic transition energy can be simply obtained by DU e ¼ U e,P À U e,R where U e,R , U e,P are eigenvalues of the electronic Hamiltonian matrix corresponding to the R and P magnetic state, respectively, and the electronic coupling term corresponding to the R, P element of the perturbed electronic Hamiltonian matrix (including the magnetic interactions) expressed within the diabatic electronicspin basis set, is given by H e,R,P y hF e,R s R |Ĥ so |F e,P s P i ¼ h † RH so h P (27) whereĤ so is the spin-orbit Hamiltonian operator,H so is the corresponding matrix and h R h P the unit vectors representing F e,R s R and F e,P s P within the same basis set used to express the spin-orbit matrix (i.e. the unperturbed basis set).…”