Socio-educational measures (SEM) are the State's stance in response to a juvenile's criminal act. The effectiveness of SEM is constantly under attack, and the possibility of more severe punitive measures, especially institutionalization, is often brought up, since juvenile offenders are considered "maladjusted" or "irredeemable". It is noted that such negative conceptions are perpetuated in various sectors of society, and that, in addition, stigmas also appear among the management teams of socio-educational institutions, with a view that corroborates the perspective that these young people do not deserve trust. Our objective was to analyze, through a systematic literature review, national scientific publications about young men, aged between 16 and 20 years, serving MSE in a detention regime, aiming to build a theoretical-reflective foundation to support the analyses of their situation regarding the prospects of entering the job market and the practice of Organizational and Work Psychology, whether in professional guidance or in working in organizations, contributing to the reduction of prejudices that act on this public, promoting their exclusion in the formal job market. Our postulation, which goes in the direction that stigmas and prejudices need to be the target of a process of deconstruction, so that citizens can have equal rights and possibilities of social inclusion and in the job market, is weakened when we realize that a science and profession such as Psychology, objectively Organizational and Work Psychology, has not made this phenomenon the object of its attention.