Lanthanum orthoantimonate was synthesized using as olid-state synthesis method.T oe nhancet he possible protonic conductivity,s amples with the addition of 1mol %C ai nL a-site were also prepared. The structure was studied by the meanso fX-ray diffraction, which showedt hat both specimens weres ingle phase. The materials crystallized in the space group P2 1 /n. Dilatometry revealedt hat the materiale xpanded non-linearly with the temperature. The nature of this deviation is unknown; however,t he calculated linearf raction thermal expansion coefficient was 9.56 10 À6 K À1 .E lectrical properties studies showedt hat the material is ap rotonc onductor in oxidizing conditions, which was confirmed both by temperature studiesi nw et in dry air,b ut also by the H/D isotopee xchangee xperiment. The conductivity was rather modest, peakinga tt he order of 10 À6 Scm À1 at 800 8C, but this could be further improved by microstructure and doping optimization.T his is the first time protonic conductivity in lanthanum orthoantimonates is reported. Proton conducting ceramics (PCCs) are materials exhibiting ionic conductivityi nw hichp roton (H +)i sacharge carrier. [1] This class of materials has gathered interest over the years for their potential applications.E specially the so-called triple conductingo xides, that is, materials with three mobile charge carriers (protons, oxygen ions, and electron/electron holes) were discovered and studied as potential electrode materials. [2-5] The increased interest led to developing highly-efficient fuel cells [5-7] and steam electrolyzers. [8] This interest stems from the fact that PCC-based devices can operate with high efficiencies while being cost-competitive in comparison to traditional solid oxide fuel cells. [5, 9] Apart from that, new typeso fe lectrochemical devices have been developed. Such devicesc an be used for the synthesis of ammonia, [10, 11] conversion of methane into aromaticsi namembraner eactor, [12] or thermo-electrochemical production of hydrogen from methane. [13]