Anatomical terminology carries an important semantic characteristic of organs and separate parts of the human body. The term in anatomy is a word that has a special, strictly defined meaning, unambiguous. Each term in human anatomy from the point of view of the anatomical nomenclature should have a certain characteristic, reflecting its uniqueness. However, this is not always possible. From these positions, the definition of the segment of the spinal cord is of interest. A characteristic feature of the external organization of the spinal cord is the periodicity of the exits of symmetrically arranged radicular filaments in the form of the posterior and anterior roots and the absence of visible external division into segments. The authors propose to define the segment of the spinal cord as a conditionally isolated part of the spinal cord in the form of a flattened cylinder (thickened disc), including regions with a symmetrically extending pair of spinal nerves and half of the intercortical distances located above and below the rootlets.