A novel trajectory control and navigation analysis tool for ascent is developed. The tool is capable of rapid trade-space analysis and designed to ultimately reduce turnaround time for launch vehicle GNC system development, mission planning, and redesign. It is streamlined to quickly determine trajectory control dispersions, propellant dispersions, orbit insertion dispersions, navigation errors, and their sensitivities to sensor errors, actuator uncertainties, and random disturbances. The tool is developed by applying linear covariance techniques to a closed-loop guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) system. The nonlinear dynamics models and flight GNC algorithms of a closed-loop six-degree-of-freedom Monte Carlo simulation are linearized. Although the application and results presented are for lunar ascent, the tools, techniques, and mathematical formulations that are discussed are applicable to ascent on Earth (or other planets) as well as other rocket-powered systems such as sounding rockets and ballistic missiles. Trajectory control dispersion, propellant dispersion, orbit insertion dispersion, and navigation error results are validated with and compared to Monte Carlo results.