Benthic habitats are linked by physical processes and are essential elements in assessing of the distribution dynamics of Chironomidae dipteran insects and their role in aquatic ecosystems. This work presents results of distribution patterns of chironomids larvae in 38 sites that are abundant in the study site, inhabiting the substrate of the main river channel, rapids, tributary brook, floodplain lakes and reservoir along the Sepotuba River from its mouth at the Paraguay River to the headwater region. A total of 1,247 larvae was registered. The most abundant taxa were Polypedilum (Tripodura) sp. (25.2%), Cricotopus sp.3 (23.0%) and Tanytarsus sp. (15.0%). Fissimentum desiccatum were found only in the reservoir; Fissimentum sp.2 and Tanytarsus cf. T. obiriciae sp.2 in floodplain lakes, and Goeldichironomus sp. in the main channel. The low diversity of the sites S06 and S35 is caused by the near-exclusive presence of the species Cricotopus sp.3, alone or together with one or another taxon (Tanytarsus sp., Djalmabatista sp.3). Collectors-filterers represent 16%, collectors-gatherers 15%, predators 11% and scrapers only 1%. The predators dominated in the secondary channel (±88 ind/m 2 ), corresponding to 40% of the total of this group. Cryptochironomus sp.2 (34%) and Ablasbemyia gr. annulata (26%) were the most abundant among the predators. The differences along the river course are decisive for the formation of distinct or discontinuous communities and the limits become obvious though the interrelations between the populations in the community, as for instance, competition for food and habitats.Keywords: Chironomidae, functional trophic groups, diversity, Pantanal of Mato Grosso, floodplains.
Hábitats e relações tróficas de insetos Chironomidae da bacia do RioSepotuba, Pantanal de Mato Grosso, Brasil
ResumoHábitats bênticos estão ligados por processos físicos e são elementos essenciais na avaliação da dinâmica de distribuição de insetos dípteros Chironomidae e seu papel em ecossistemas aquáticos. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados dos padrões de distribuição de larvas de Chironomidae em 38 locais que são abundantes na área de estudo, habitando o substrato do canal principal do rio, cachoeiras, córregos tributários, lagoas de planície de inundação, e reservatórios ao longo do Rio Sepotuba de sua desembocadura ao Rio Paraguai e na região de cabeceira.