DOI: 10.1007/s10611-007-9054-8
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Terrorism and relative justice

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Cited by 10 publications
(8 citation statements)
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“…In relation to Al Qaeda-linked terrorism, responses have been dominated by a 'War on Terror' that was initially instigated by the administration led by former US President Bush. The 'War on Terror' might be viewed from the perspective of global governance as being top-down, comprising dominant political and economic actors and authorities determining the legitimacy of risk in relation to questions of security, being linked to wider geo-political power plays between nation states in relation to the global world order (Findlay, 2007). The 'War on Terror' might thus be thought of as a politicised global strategy, helping to re-configure security issues at the level of the nation-state and the locale.…”
Section: Governance and Counter-terrorismmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In relation to Al Qaeda-linked terrorism, responses have been dominated by a 'War on Terror' that was initially instigated by the administration led by former US President Bush. The 'War on Terror' might be viewed from the perspective of global governance as being top-down, comprising dominant political and economic actors and authorities determining the legitimacy of risk in relation to questions of security, being linked to wider geo-political power plays between nation states in relation to the global world order (Findlay, 2007). The 'War on Terror' might thus be thought of as a politicised global strategy, helping to re-configure security issues at the level of the nation-state and the locale.…”
Section: Governance and Counter-terrorismmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The 'War on Terror' might thus be thought of as a politicised global strategy, helping to re-configure security issues at the level of the nation-state and the locale. Through the hegemonic project of globalisation there is a quest for community at a global level, a war on pluralism and the construction of a 'war on terror' which has served to target and alienate those communities viewed as being opposed to western modernisation (Findlay, 2007). 'Top down' governance approaches therefore include international and nation state-led approaches that prioritise the maintenance of a global world order and nation state security over individual and community security concerns.…”
Section: Governance and Counter-terrorismmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Not only is there the difficulty of identifying the ideology itself, but the problem of describing the social reality of sentencing is exacerbated because the process itself both interprets that ideology and contextualises it through the decisionmaking process ( [11]: [16][17][18][19][20]. When punishment is imposed through sentencing the moral ideology which informs sentencing law is given substance.…”
Section: Values Norms and Legitimacymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, the implications for sentencing, and the governance of criminal justice more generally, are potentially much more sinister since, beyond the symbolism of the message of collective denunciation such sentences purportedly deliver, there is little, if any, evidence that such politically centralised manipulation and control of state penality is necessary in the face of what amounts to an unquantifiable risk ( [54]: 509-518; [42]: 389; [17])…”
Section: Power and The Risk And Security Nexusmentioning
confidence: 99%