However, Parry and Hern (8) reported negligible iodate at IC when they used an open glass tube as a bubbler; this seems to indicate that iodate would not be formed at IC with an impinger. We feel, nevertheless, that the four data points these investigators presented at unspecified values of other parameters do not provide sufficient information to draw a definite conclusion.The acidification procedure, outlined here, provides a satisfactory method for the analysis of high ozone concentrations. This is in agreement with Schmitz (25). The procedure would not be suitable for lower levels of ozone (less than 50 ppm) because the iodide solution is slowly oxidized after acidification and this would lead to a significant error. However, this shortcoming might be overcome by using buffered acidification to a controlled pH level where the rate of iodate decomposition (Equation 3) is rapid, but where oxidation remains negligible. This acidification might also be performed in stages to minimize the total time during which the pH is low.