Solar energy inputs drive atmospheric, ionospheric, and induced magnetospheric processes at unmagnetized planets like Mars. Solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation is the dominant energy source, heating the Martian thermosphere and producing the majority of the Martian ionosphere. Energetic particles in the space environment may additionally ionize and heat the upper atmosphere, provided they can enter and "precipitate" into the atmosphere. Since Mars lacks an intrinsic magnetic field, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) carried with the incident solar wind flow induces currents in the ionosphere to form an induced magnetosphere. The resulting interaction shocks, decelerates, and deflects the solar wind (see Nagy et al., 2004 and references therein). However, the solar wind can still directly impart energy to the atmosphere: as ions that have been converted into energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) and as electrons precipitating into magnetically connected regions of the upper atmosphere. In addition, solar transients such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and stream-interaction regions (SIRs) can accelerate ions and electrons to very high energies, supplying solar energetic particles (SEPs) that may episodically deposit significant energy into the atmosphere.Many prior studies have characterized the energy input of EUV, solar wind, and SEPs separately. This study aims to directly intercompare these solar drivers over time and quantify their relative magnitudes in the near Mars environment. We assess if sporadic SEP energy fluxes can temporarily exceed the comparatively steady EUV or solar wind energy fluxes, and if this influence remains when integrated over a fraction of a solar cycle. We also approximate how much energy flux is absorbed by the Martian atmosphere for each solar driver to determine whether a solar driver can displace another as a meaningful source of energization. Since each solar driver varies on timescales that range from hours to years, we analyze the energy fluxes in the context of event-to-event variation, changing seasons, and a declining solar cycle. Finally, we compare modern energy fluxes to prior published energy fluxes derived for the young sun. This provides useful context for studies of current and historical