Chalcogenide fibers display a wide transmission window ranging from 2-10.6 μm, ideally suited to the development of passive and active mid-infrared (MIR) sensors. They are essential building blocks for the integration and miniaturization of laser-based MIR optical systems for terrestrial, airborne and space-based sensing platforms. Single-mode chalcogenide fibers have only recently become commercially available and therefore performance data and standard reproducible processing techniques have not been widely reported. In this paper we present a method for producing high quality cleaved facets on commercial single-mode As-Se fibers with core and cladding diameters of 28μm and 170μm respectively. The emitted beam profile from these fibers, using the 9.4μm line of a tunable CO 2 laser, showed the presence of leaky cladding modes due to waveguiding conditions created by the protective acrylate jacket. These undesirable cladding modes were easily suppressed by applying a gallium coating on the cladding near both input and output facets. We provide experimental data showing efficient mode suppression and the emission of a circular nearperfect Gaussian beam profile from the fiber. Furthermore, analyses of the beam, acquired by scanning an HgCdTe detector, yielded a 1/e 2 numerical aperture of 0.11 with a full width half maximum divergence of 11° for these fibers. The availability of single-mode MIR fibers, in conjunction with recent advances in room temperature quantum cascade lasers (QCL), could provide compact and light-weight transmitter solutions for several critical defense and nuclear nonproliferation needs.